The line of industrial paint booths available from Finishing Systems includes wet painting booths that are ideally suited for industrial, military, and aero-space applications. Our industrial paint booths feature durable galvanized steel single-skin panel design, along with shadow-free lighting for excellent visibility while you work. Heavy-duty fans and motors offer an unbeatable combination of superior performance and maximum energy efficiency. The booths offer an expandable modular design that is also easy to assemble.
White pre-coated panels are available as an option with all our wet painting booths. Other features include a choice of control panels, as well as air heaters that offer a range of convenient placement options. Accessorize your industrial paint booth by adding an industrial grade fan assembly, various lighting options, observation windows, ductwork packages and more. We can even design custom wet painting booths to meet your specific requirements.
As a Finishing Systems industrial paint booth customer, you will also have access to the best service available anywhere in the industry. Whether you need help with system or process design, installation and training, or dependable service and repairs to keep your equipment running, you can always count on us to be there when you need us.
Finishing Systems has shown Readco Kurimoto, LLC exceptional customer service, when we need ‘rush’ jobs done, just one call and they make it happen. Working with Finishing Systems makes my job easier dealing with likeminded people, knowing Customers come first.