Industrial Heat Recovery Units
Any abrasive blasting or painting professional will tell you that adequate air replenishment is critical to a safe, efficient and consistent process. Insufficient air circulation or renewal can cause breathing and visibility problems for painters and blast equipment operators. It can also affect the quality of your blasting and painting, as contamination in the air can settle and cause overspray and buildup issues.
Here at Finishing Systems, we don’t just sell blast equipment, cabinets and booths. We also sell all of the equipment and accessories you need for a professional and reliable finishing process, including top-quality heat recovery and air makeup units. To offer you better value and reliability, we’ve taken the time to source the best industrial heat recovery and commercial makeup air unit manufacturers on the market.
The result is the best selection in industrial air treatment systems for abrasive blasting, sandblasting, cleanroom and finishing systems you’ll find in PA and beyond. Our team has the experience to make sure you’re fully equipped for blasting, cleaning and finishing success.