Batch Powder Booths

Our Selection Of Batch Powder Booths Includes:

Two Types Of Batch Powder Booths To Choose From

Non-Recovery Powder Booths – These open-face powder booths feature an innovative 3-stage filtration system and a high-capacity recirculation fan that deliver superior performance. The complete package includes the booth, fan, motor and energy-efficient light fixtures, as well as filters and grids and assembly hardware. Choose from options such as booth extensions, product doors and control panels.

Cartridge System (Powder Collection) Booths – These booths include a built-in cartridge filtration system to filter and recirculate clean air. This unit also comes with an optional deluxe control panel that can be programmed to automatically inject high-velocity bursts of air into each filter on a sequential basis. Other options include booth extensions, conveyor openings, powder modules and a fluidized bed for powder recovery.

In addition to our manual powder coating batch booths, we also offer high-production collection booths that are typically used with automated conveyer-based powder coating applications. We also carry a wide assortment of filters and other parts and accessories to keep your batch booth operating at maximum efficiency.


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    Finishing Systems has shown Readco Kurimoto, LLC exceptional customer service, when we need ‘rush’ jobs done, just one call and they make it happen. Working with Finishing Systems makes my job easier dealing with likeminded people, knowing Customers come first.

    Ruth Knaub

    Procurement Manager Readco Kurimoto, LLC

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    Learn More About Our Batch Powder Booth Selection 

    Finishing Systems has the expertise to help you choose the right batch booth for your specific applications. We back our booth products with the best customer service you’ll find anywhere in the industry. Contact us to learn more about our batch booth products today!

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