Crushed Glass

An Environmentally Conscious Choice For Reducing Landfill Waste

Crushed glass media benefits your business and the environment. Glass is inherently recyclable, reducing landfill waste and your carbon footprint. Here are a few more reasons for choosing crushed glass instead of slag abrasives. 

  • Closed-loop recycling system: Recyclable glass is converted into new glass products for reapplication. This effectively saves manufacturers on costs for using new materials for glass products and minimizes landfill waste when the recycled glass reaches its end of life.
  • Long-term waste management: Landfill volumes are reduced when glass is recycled and repurposed, improving landfill waste management in the long term.
  • Natural resource conservation: The need to extract natural resources such as silica sand is reduced when crushed glass is recycled and reused. Since extraction is reduced, so is pollution caused by extracting and processing new glass.
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Compared to manufacturing, recycling glass requires less energy, reducing greenhouse gas and fossil fuel emissions.
  • Environmental and health benefits: Glass is non-toxic for those handling it and the environment, making it highly beneficial for workers.
  • Enhanced sustainable practices: Crushed glass is a versatile material used in several industrial applications, including heavy-duty cutting and abrasive blasting. With improved technological and innovation advancements, it has the potential to be used in newer, modern applications for a sustainable approach.

The Many Benefits of Crushed Glass

Compared to other blast media, crushed glass offers several advantages that make it an obvious choice for your finishing needs. 

Consider these additional benefits of using crushed glass:

  • Chemical composition: It’s chemically inert, so you don’t have to worry about residues or ferrous deposits that can cause rust to return.
  • Eco-friendlyIt’s environmentally friendly and can be used near water for water-based applications.
  • Repurposed: It’s economical since it can be reused and recycled repeatedly.
  • Efficiency: It allows for quick blasting with no risk of significant metal removal.
  • Finishing: It leaves an attractive matte finish, making it an ideal final finishing step.

Considering the heightened awareness of silicosis and newly published PEL silica levels, it’s good to know that crushed glass reduces respiratory health issues. With no free silica, your workers are spared from exposure to heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, titanium, and berylliumcommonly found in abrasives like Black Beauty® and copper slag. 

For many businesses, the health risks associated with silica-related blast media make an alternative such as crushed glass an obvious choice. In addition, our great pricing here at Finishing Systems makes it easy to see why more customers choose versatile blast media for their blasting and heavy-duty cutting applications.


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    Request Your Free Crushed Glass Media Sample

    Finishing Systems has different abrasive blasting media materials to help you achieve optimal finishing results for all your projects. Our vast inventory of abrasive blasting equipment gives you various options to ensure you have the right tools and materials to get the job done quickly and efficiently. 

    Request a free crushed glass sample to see if it suits your application. Call us toll-free at 800-582-3693 or complete an online contact request form, and we’ll arrange a sample for you.


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    Having worked for a large company and now having my own small company I know what it’s like to receive and expect excellent customer service. Finishing Systems treated my small company and me with the same respect, attention and knowledgeable advice I would expect when placing a much larger order.

    Paul Spear

    CEO, Critical Welding Solutions Enterprises LLC

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