When you have lighting applications in abrasive blasting environments such as an Abrasive Blast Room, or other hazardous locations, explosion-proof area or similar area, it’s critical to utilize equipment capable of getting the job done right. Using abrasive blast lights provides many advantages when you choose a quality product from a reliable source. If you’re looking for a more efficient and effective lighting solution, take a close look at our Western Technology blast lights and how they can improve your operator’s visibility to ultimately benefit your business and the success of your operator.
There are many types of industrial lighting solutions on the market, but only specific models are purpose-built for the abrasive blasting environment. A blast light is an extremely high-powered LED light with an assembly designed to withstand harsh conditions. Units are relatively lightweight and mobile, so you can shine a light on virtually any situation.
Aggressive abrasive blast rooms, with portable blast pot applications, can cause damage to lighting equipment and potentially result in accidents and injuries. A quality blast light is built to take a pounding and keep performing in peak condition, keeping your operations illuminated and your products and staff members safe. In addition to being long-lasting and durable, these abrasive blast lights present some other compelling qualities for use in industrial environments, including the following:
The first thing you need out of an abrasive blast light is impressive luminosity. Units should include multiple high-powered LED lights. Blast lights should also feature refracted optics that target the beam at the optimal angle. You’re looking for a robust build that’s durable and dependable even in dusty and damp environments and a light body that’s easy to maneuver and position.
Finishing Systems understands your need for excellent products and equipment at competitive prices. When it comes to abrasive blast lights, we carry only the most reliable models with the technology to take your operation to the cutting edge. Our experienced team will help you find the products that make the most sense for your particular applications.
Shop our inventory of abrasive blast lights from leading manufacturers such as Western Technology for the best selection you’ll find anywhere. If you have questions or require assistance placing an order, give us a call or submit an online contact form to request to speak with a live representative.